Saturday, December 31, 2011

Deadlifts - M41 W1

DEADLIFT Training - Mesocycle 41 Week 1

This is going to be the last training update in this log. I'll be starting a new log for 2012. I've got a title name up my sleeve but I'm only going to reveal this once the new year is upon us.

In 2008, when I began training seriously, my training journal was called F=m.a. Actually, here's a breakdown on the titles I've kept:

2008: F = m.a
2009: Beached Whale Chronicles
2010: Big Boy Basics
2011: Tough as Nails / Deadlifts, Grip and Presses

Deadlift Warm-ups:
Mobility Drills
135 x 3
245 x 4
295 x 5
345 x 3
385 x 3
425 x 2

Graduated Deadlift Struggle Sets:
@ Pre-Lockout - 475 x 15 seconds
@ Knees - 495 x 5 seconds
@ Shins - 495 x 3 seconds
@ Pre-Lockout - 475 x 15 seconds
@ Knees - 495 x 4 seconds
@ Shins - 495 x 4 seconds
Much better than last week!

485 x 1


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Left Over - M40 W4

LEFT OVER Training - Mesocycle 40 Week 4

This is from today..

Overhead Squats:
135 x 3
135 x 3
135 x 4
165 x 2

Bench Press:
185 x 5
185 x 5
It's been ages since I've done this..

Banded Push-ups:
APT #2 x 10
APT #2 + EFTS Micro x 8
APT #2 x 12


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Posterior Chain - M40 W4

POSTERIOR CHAIN Training - Mesocycle 40 Week 3

This is from today…

Romanian Deadlifts Not Locked Out:
275 x 8
295 x 10
295 x 5
305 x 7
I goofed up on the 2nd set and did 10 reps.

Dumbbell Rows:
140 x 5
140 x 5
140 x 5

Deloaded Barbell Rows:
155 x 6
155 x 6

Cable Rows:
120 x 8
140 x 6
120 x 8
120 x 8


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Deadlifts - M40 W4

DEADLIFT Training - Mesocycle 40 Week 4

First off: A Merry Christmas to Everyone!!! :-)

I was going to train on Saturday as per usual but there was an emergency at work and I had to skip Saturday's training. So, Deadlifts happened today (Sunday) and Squats will be skipped this week.

Deadlift Warm-ups:
Mobility Drills
135 x 3
245 x 4
295 x 5
345 x 3
385 x 3
425 x 2
475 x 1

Graduated Deadlift Struggle Sets with 495 lbs:
@ Pre-Lockout
@ Knees
@ Shins
@ Pre-Lockout
@ Knees
@ Shins
Next week, I will work on holding this for longer time. The Paused Deadlifts @ Knees and @ Shins killed me.

505 x 1

I kept rest intervals very restricted. I've been losing the plot with these (for lack of a better phrase) and I've been taking 15-20 minute breaks and sometimes even 25. Thats a no-no. So, I'm back to 10-12 minutes.
